Happy Thanksgiving! For most of us, that means time with family or friends, tasty food, and a chance to reflect on what we’re thankful for. For me, Thanksgiving this year is at our house with 20 of my favorite family members {I can’t wait!}. When I look back, I can say without a doubt it’s been the hardest year of my life. My Dad found out the cancer we thought had been removed from his kidney had actually spread to his liver and lung. He’s been through A LOT and a rock through it all. Even when things aren’t peachy, I’m reminded by the grace of God that greater things are yet to come. We must live by faith and “Give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).
I can’t help but be thankful for some amazing blessings this year too. Among them is You! I’m so grateful for your support, and the relationships I’ve made through Save a la Mode. I pray that you are able to slow down this weekend to take some time to reflect on what you have and the wonderful gift that God gave us– JESUS! God loves our worship and praise and our thanksgiving and joy. Whenever you give thanks, even in difficult circumstances, the enemy loses and you bring pleasure to God’s heart.
Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!